04 Dec Another one for the Boizzz | By Jaxon Foale
Another one for the Boizzz , Wakeboard Movie Held By Jaxon Foale
Another one for the Boizzz :Toilet cleaner Rhys loses his job then goes on a spiteful yet life changing journey of self destructive behaviour. Together with his friends they go on a cosmic adventure of life appreciation taking them to the farthest corners of the earth. All whilst riding their wakeboards and drinking non alcoholic
beverages in the process. Director Jaxon Foale (“One for the Boizzz”)
Another one for the Boizzz , the wakeboard Movie
More About This Movie
About jaxon Foale
From an early age I had a keen interest in capturing elements of life for my older self. What started as self documentation quickly turned to making videos for friends and eventually, at the end of 2014, delving into my first taste of corporate film. Once I realised I could combine passion and purpose for a profit, I pursued it all guns blazing. This lead to a string of opportunities around the world working with brands such as Sony, Hostelworld, Sunbum, Marriott Resort Hawaii, Busabout Europe/Asia. After 32 countries throughout 3 Years I found myself craving the stability of a base and a refreshed approach. Cue the return home. Now after 6 years honing my craft through the university of life, I’m pursuing to tell the story of others through the voice of film.
By the Mandura Mail’s :Jaxon Foale is a fun and quirky videographer taking the world, and Instagram, by storm with his stunning footage of some of the most incredible places on the planet.Built on a passion for making weekend wakeboarding clips, Jek as he is often known, turned a side hustle into a successful career.
With more than 40,000 followers on Instagram and a dedicated legion of fans of YouTube, Jaxon travels the world making videos for impressive corporate clients from Jetstar Airways to ING Bank.He also runs his own business, Drop Media, has created his own online editing presets and is an above-average surfer.Jaxon is the next profile in the (getting older but still new) Mandurah Millennials on a Mission series, as we meet the young people from around the region helping to shape a new narrative.The series aims to provide an insight into some of the fresh talent who have grown up in our great city, and are just getting started making a name for themselves. At some stages, I’m interviewing him. At many more stages, he’s interviewing me.But it’s a fun back-and-forth of a little bit of serious chat and a lot of laughs about crazy travel stories and adventures.When I told people around town that I was excited to interview Jaxon for my Millennials series, I was lying.Excited didn’t even begin to cover it.As a travel enthusiast myself and budding blogger, Jaxon lives the life I have dreamed of since I was 10 years old and decided I wanted to be a reporter on Getaway.
I could not wait to pick his brain on how to grow an Insta following, how to make those awesome edits on photos and piece together some aesthetically pleasing videos (on a much more basic scale than him, obviously).But I was quick to learn that for every post that appeared fun and adventurous, there were hours of hard work behind the scenes to secure the clients in the first place and perfect the work.
Check his work there : https://www.dropmediacreative.com/
His Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/jaxonfoale/
Another one for the Boizzz
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