29 Jun Blown out battlecats | CCP Copenhagen Cablepark
Windy time at CCP Copenhagen Cablepark with the boys : Anders Elsgaard, Andreas Jacobsen (aka Shredmaler), Oliver Breumlund and Alexander Kaiser.
Blown out battlecats from THROWBACK PORTAL on Vimeo.
CCP Copenhagen Cablepark
“We are dedicated to wakeboarding. Our mission is to make you addicted to the sport by always having a fun and safe ride.
We have the best urban cable in the world, a shop with the newest gear, a café with delicious food and drinks, a beach with great atmosphere, and our very own staff consisting of riders, who are eager to learn you how to ride and do tricks.We have two cable systems, our main cable and a 2.0 cable and lots of obstacles.
The main cable is a 6 tower system, and it is 585 metres long, which gives high tension and lots of air.
The 2.0 cable is a 2 tower system, mainly for kids and beginners.
Obstacles: 2 funboxes, 2 kickers, 2 flatboxes, a short rail and a long rail.”