Daniel Grant presents you his UNIT Parktech Signature Series launch, he joined The UNIT Parktech Team with his first Signature Series feature.
He wants to every wake park to have a big smooth transition feature and he wishes to see it on many cable parks around the world. You can already test it at the first park who ordered it : Hannam’s Wake Hub in the UK.
from UNIT Parktech AG on Vimeo.
“In July Daniel Grant tested and rode his UNIT Parktech Signature Series feature at Hannams Wake Hub. Thanks to Ben, Terry, and everyone at Hannam’s, we had the best time. Riding and filming with his friends, Daniel stacked a lot of great footage not only of himself but also with his good friend James Harrington so he insisted we put him in the video. With 4 days of riding and filming, we formulated this video to showcase Daniel doing his thing on his feature.
Daniel – “I love my UNIT Parktech Signature Feature, it turned out perfectly.
This feature just opens up so many tricks for wakeskating and wakeboarding with the perfect transition. I highly recommend putting a kicker in front for more options and bigger transfers.
I know people are going to do different crazy tricks than me and that’ll be really cool to see.
When I saw kids really hitting the incline to the transition and dropping big 270s off the top it showed me that it’s good to hit for everyone and it has that easy option to it.
I hope with my UNIT signature series feature we can bring big transition riding across the globe to everyone.
Big Thanks again to Hannams Wake Hub”
Riders- Daniel Grant, James Harrington
Filmed by
Matthew Mulholland
James Harrington (Go Pro)
Terry Hannam (Drone)
Song- F*ck Boys, The Faded
UNIT Parktech AG – unit-parktech.com