Fire Water & Pipe 2017 | St Pete on Fire , Russia

Fire water & pipe 700X500

Fire Water & Pipe 2017 | St Pete on Fire , Russia

FIRE WATER AND PIPE 2017 in Russia

Fire Water & Pipe , KIngwinch wakepark is on Fire ….


August, 19 at Kingwinch the best wakeboarders of Russia, Europe, Asia and America will meet.Headliner of the festival ,Daniel Grant – world- class wake star.

During  his career Daniel won 139 contest all over the world and was the rider of the year  of the last past  5 years , according to World Wake Awards.

Held on an  unique two-level JIB park fully renewed setup  , with  obstacles created by Daniel the setup is insane and one of the best in the World .

The crow of  thousands of people all over the country will freeze there , waiting for the show with a shot of Vodka , russian life ….

And it will be seizing, spectacular and the most memorable show of summer. Are you ready for that ?


About The Event :

Remarkable cash prize of $15 000 will be divided between the winners of five division : Open men, Pro men, Open Ladies, Youngsters and Wakeskate.

Besides the main competition they held the Public favorite nomination “CASH 4 TRICKS”:

Riders chooses music track and run free ride at the park without  any rules and restrictions during a bunch of time .

The goal is , realized   the most complicated, beautiful, dangerous, and  creative trick,  and by the end   the best one  get the money!

Team Kingwinch actively support riders from all over the world to gather them together at the best Russian spot located in Saint Petersbug. Visa support, transfer, living at the  hotel. All for the sake of sport.

During the FIRE, WATER & PIPES 2017 festival professional team of Kingwinch riders will perform for the first time.  The  Team riders are ready to dare the  world masters of Wakeboarding  to  prove   Russians get also  good riders  .

They invite everyone  to support our guys. See ya August, 19 at  THE KINGWINCH  FIRE WATER & PIPE Festival !


