27 Feb Follow Welcomes Massi Piffaretti to the Team
Follow is stocked to announce you the welcoming of Massi Piffaretti in their pro-team.
Massi was elected as 2016’s rider of the year by our mag and his unique style fits their brand and direction perfectly !
The brand ask him few questions about joining the team
Dude were stoked to have you on board. What’s it like to officially be part of the family?
Massi: Man I’m stoked! Couldn’t be happier, I believe in the brand and really love the direction that they are going in wakeboarding!
What do you think about the gear/ Follow line?
Massi: What I really like is the way that all the products fit, and honestly is the most lit gear out there from any prospective!
Got any products in the work with Follow?
Massi: Hopefully soon man that would be unreal! Just stoked to be part of the family and we will go from there!
Got any big plans for 2017?
Massi: U know just staying healthy and try to have as much fun as I can and hopefully making some awesome memories.