24 May Game On | From virtuality to reality
Our community creates videos we couldn’t imagine the existence, we think this one should be better known : “Game On”.
From virtuality to Reality
Lightbox Film Company created a campaign called “Game On” for cable wakeboard at Lagoon Watersports. It encourages kids to get off the screen and onto the water by drawing on the parallels between a computer game and what you could actually achieve using the time spent in real life.
“It’s surreal, it feels like I’m actually a rock-star wakeboarder!”, Joe kicks back for another session of “Game On”, he can’t get enough.Taking him to a place where he’s landing tricks like the pros, he doesn’t want the game to end.
From Lightbox Film Company on Vimeo.
All wakeboarding videos on Unleashed Wake Mag.
Lagoon Watersports
Hove Lagoon is an old Victorian boating lake so has a solid bottom and is only waist deep. This means that any time you need to you can stand up. It is also right next to the sea so on those hot sunny days when there is little wind we can usually expect a sea breeze. Being next to the sea when people are ready we can move their learning away from the lagoon and on to the sea itself. The lagoon is in the middle of a public park so not only do you have the beach near by but you also have a kids play area and a skate park so anyone not taking part will have something to do. There is also an onsite licensed cafe for spectators and participants.