20 Jul Green Parrot Co | PUERTOS BANGERS
Few month ago, Green Parrot Co. installed a Rixen Silver Master system, a system homologated to transport to two riders at the same time with much robustness.
Furthermore, they began to install a nice set up of modules that includes two kickers, a rail, a flatbar and a double handraill with wallride. So, boys from the Acid Winch Crew made a edit named : PUERTOS BANGERS, and in fact they broke it.
The invited riders were the local Green Parrot riders Ramiro Gallart, Mariano Cuevas, Manuel Pearson and Javier Romani, along with the master of Ezequiel Ofarrell, and the DUP Wakeboards Argentina team, Juan Cruz Bianco de San Nicolas, Grom Santino Robuschi and The boys of Acid Winch Crew Ezequiel Marando, Lucas Gonzalez and Iñaki de Echevarria.
PUERTOS BANGERS from Acid Winch Crew ♆ on Vimeo.