30 May Lucy St Jack Interview | Australian Rider
She is a rider with no sponsor, she comes from Perth in Australia and she’s now on Unleashed Wake Mag. Check out the interview of Lucy St Jack !
Lucy Interview
When did you start wakeboarding ?
9 months ago.
Who’s your first hero?
Steve Irwin
What is your favourite movie ?
Hot Rod
What is your breakfast of champion ?
A banana, coconut/almond milk and RAW protein powder smoothie is my go to breakfast beafore a day of riding.
Tacos or Pizza ?
If we’re talking soft tacos then i choose tacos, but if we’re talking hard tacos then i choose pizza !
Cable or Boat ?
Cable riding but i do really love boat riding too, I just don’t get the opportunity to go boat riding very often.
Your admirable quality ?
Very strong minded (sometimes a little too much hehe)
Your bigget regret ?
Not starting wakeboarding earlier. Wakeboarding has had such a HUGE positive impact on my life !
Your musical genius ?
Ziggy Alberts ! His voice smoothes my soul.
Your most satisfying purchase ?
Hmm that’s a hard one because i hold a lot of appreciation and satisfaction for everything that i purchase, as i don’t earn a lot of money and i have to save up to purchase anything new. But if i had to choose i’d have to say my Ronix RXT binding because they’re so light and comfortable to ride in.
Your health concerns ?
Lyme Disease and Endometriosis.
Your advice to people dealing with chronic illness ?
When dealing with a chronic ilness it’s easy to get trapped in this negative frame of mind where you don’t know how to not be sick anymore and you become too scared to get out and live your life because you might be bed ridden for days afterwards if you push yourself too hard. I cannot express enough how much a strong and positive mindset changes everything.
As soon as you switch your mindset and believe that you can achieve the things that you want to, you will ! Yes it’s going to be scary and yes you might struggle at first, but you will also thrive and become stronger mentally and physically once you push through that sickness boundary that’s been holding you back !
Since i started wakeboarding it has had such a huge positive impact on my health, mentally and physically. I am the strongest i’ve ever been ! I will admit that sometimes i go a little too hard and fatigue myself… but it’s all apart of learning your boundaries and knowing when to push yourself and when to rest your body (which i’m still learning).
Cheers !
Thank you so much for this opportunity !
I really hope to reach out to people dealing with chronic ilness and help to inspire them to keep living life to the fullest !

All women wakeboarders on Unleashed Wake Mag.
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