24 May THE NEW 2016 UNLEASHED WAKE MAG IS BORN! Let’s celebrate
After more than four months of intense development the Web Team of the French company “A LA UNE“, constitute by Katia Vilaplana, Sandra Atlani Hugo Raturat given life to the new little Digital jewel of Unleash Communication agency , UNLEASHEDWAKEMAG .COM 2.0
Day after days, month after months,modification after modifications , the final version of the new website exactly happened in the expected timing.
We hope you appreciate this new version the real mix between Sport and all you can do around it , the most complete version in the domain of the 3W (Wakesurf Wakeboard and Wakeskate).
Over the next few months you will see filled the 100 sections of this New Website and also the E-shopping part where you can find all the promotional items of UNLEASHED , we hope you gone be surprised by…
Enjoy the discovery tour , and Feel free to leave your comments on info@unleashedwakemag.com or Facebook