27 Sep SPACE MOB (part 1) | WEBSERIE BY Wesley Mark Jacobsen
SPACE MOB is the webserie by Wesley Mark Jacobsen and buddies around wakeparks of the world !
DAY 1 at Wakepark Thulba with Wesley Mark Jacobsen, Pancho Luchessa and Tobias Rittig.
from Wesley Mark Jacobsen on Vimeo.
“First day, first cable, first country.”
DAY 2 at Turncable Wakepark with Wesley Mark Jacobsen, Pancho Luchessa and Tobias Rittig.
from Wesley Mark Jacobsen on Vimeo.
DAY 3 at Wakebeach 257 with Anne Eaton, Naomi Wetzels, Frederic Garben, Jan Gnerlich, Moritz Regler, Pancho Luchessa, Tobi Rittig, Nico von Lerchenfeld, Liam Rundholz, WMJ. “Zu Einfach”
from Wesley Mark Jacobsen on Vimeo.
DAY 4 at Wake Paradise with Wesley Mark Jacobsen, Pancho Luchessa and Tobias Rittig.
from Wesley Mark Jacobsen on Vimeo.
“Nothing but good times at Wakeparadise Milano”