16 Jul TAO Sessions | Daniel Grant 10 years riding
TAO Sessions By Daniel Grant , Tao 10 years riding
The TAO sessions, the idea was to let the upcoming groms around the world to show what they have behind the lens, then I gave all of the clips to Andy Kolb to showcase all of the groms I filmed over the season into an edit. Filmed in 2017 but the amount these groms have grown up and progressed so much since then. Huge thanks to all the cable parks featured in the video Star Wake, ITALY Poule Wake Park FRANCE, Hannams WakeHub UK Wake Island Watersports, Terminus Wake Park USA Thai Wake Park THAILAND Bali Wakepark BALI VIDEO CAN ALSO BE FOUND www.waketao.com
TAO Sessions (10 Years of TAO)
Check out Daniel Grant video on Unleashed !
On the words of Daniel Grant :
The past 10 years have been absolutely Surreal,like looking back to when i’d fly to over 30 contests a year i’d literally be non Stop. I’ve met some really amazing people from all over the world, it’s really been the best 10 years of my Life, i can’t thank everyone and the sport enough for the opportunity and support to express myself on the water .
It’s been a decade full of experiences , learning, laughing, crying, screaming, it’s been one hell of a ride
More info : Waketao.com