23 May Wakeboard streches routine with TMBC Wake
Nobody likes doing streches exercices but we all know they are very important. That’s why TMBC Wake gives you his streches routine to be as fit as possible all along your wake season !
Wakeboard streches
From TMBC Wake on Youtube.
More wake videos on Unleashed Wake Mag.
Hi, my name is Tim Mann and I am currently 36 years old as of 3/9/18. I have a deep passion for wakeboarding and I’m always trying to progress, while I still have time. I have a group I like to call the Tim Mann Boating Club which is made of people who share at least some of my passion and enjoy the lake with me. In the past I’ve made several year end video edits comprised of our summers at the lake. I decided to start doing more frequent short video edits and upload them to YouTube so they are more of a real time experience I can share. Filming and video editing are a bit of a hobby of mine and I’m definitely far from great at it, but I intend to improve over time. Most of what you will see in my videos is our experiences at the lake. Enjoy!
-streches routine tmbc wake-