Author: alizee

Gerhard Posch from the Waxthat team had an awesome season ! Follow him for sessions shredding the New System 2 Park Wakeground and the huge setup of the Danger Shred Island...

Arthur Castaing s'était envolé pour deux mois en Caroline du Nord et travailler comme opérateur sur le fameux park de Jibtopia. Castaing Arthur Jibtopia 2017 from Castaing Arthur on Vimeo. En effet,...

Ride around the world with Kuba Zalejsky from Nobile Wake. You can see Turncable Wake Park - Germany and Olympic Cable Park - Spain. "I put my footage from the past into...

Explore the island of Bali with Nick Taylor, Jake Ramsdell, Shel Rush, Yan Lecomte, Cassie Scott, & more in their last mystical video, Bulan Cepat. Edited by Nick Taylor Bulan Cepat -...

The young to stylish Kaitlyn Koko Adams is back with a new edit from West Rock Wake park ! Follow Kaitlyn on Facebook and Instagram. West Rock 2017 from Dave Adams on...

MADSEN Watch Your Passion MADSEN est une petite marque de montres née de la passion personnelle de son dirigeant Christian Madsen pour la planche à voile, le ski et les montres de haute...

This week, Jules Charraud was in Redbull spotlight. Always new surprises from Jules and a new video more cool than ever ! GAME ON produced by Romain Colagrande & Philéas Images Park : Exo 77 Wakepark,...

Germany’s Julia Rick created history in El Gouna, Egypt, in taking her fifth consecutive title of IWWF Europe & Africa Cable Wakeboard Champion. With nineteen countries represented, fourteen divisions and...