25 Aug Bring Your wakeskate to the top of the Mountains !
Built a wakeskate winch and flew it up to a 5000′ lake with a Schweizer 300. Then grabbed 4 people with the Robinson R44 and flew back up there to try out the new winch. We had never tried the winch out on the water, and neither of us had ever tried wakeskating before. It was a new experience and completely untested. After working out a few kinks we got it to work.
I don’t think I can put into words what I felt the first time I got tugged up and was wakeboarding on a mountain top glacier lake. The water was 12 degrees Celsius. It was the oddest feeling of combining something that I had done many times like wakeboarding behind a boat, but doing it on a glacier lake at 5000′ in the middle of nowhere. Breathtaking wouldn’t even begin to do it justice. I yelled out “YA FREAKEN YA!!!” as I skimmed across the water. That about sums it all up. Something never to be forgotten that’s for sure.