30 Jul Cooper Armstrong | 10 years old
Cooper Armstrong is one of the best wakeboarders in the world for his age. Before making his presentation, let’s take a look at what he can do !
10 years old
Last year he won the Junior Boys’ World Champion at the Nautique WWA Wakeboard World Championships in Miyoshi City, Tokushima. The 10 years old boy, who rides seriously for 5 years now, spends hours and hours training each week, no matter what the weather conditions are. And results come in: for his first competiton at the age of 6, he finished 5 out of 20.
His favourite trick is the Raley but he has a lot of tricks in his arsenal. “I just like how your legs can stretch out right behind you and then the cool bit’s bringing it back in,” he said. This little guy from Australia is surely one of the next star of wake world.
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