FULL CIRCLE ep12 | By Alex Graydon

full circle ep12

FULL CIRCLE ep12 | By Alex Graydon

Full Circle Ep12

Oli Breumlund is ripping at Valdosta Wakepark for the episode 12 of Full Circle, the serie by Alex Graydon.

Full Circle Episode 12 with Oli Breumlund from Alex Graydon on Vimeo.

Alex Graydon is a rider for Slingshot, from Alabama. He created a serie of videos features riders from all around the world at different cable parks.
Each rider must do one full lap without messing up to be featured.

Join Alex Graydon on social medias :
– Facebook
– Instagram

See more episodes on Unleashed Wake Mag :
– Episode 1
– Episode 2
– Episode 4
– Episode 5
– Episode 6
– Episode 7
– Episode 8
– Episode 9
– Episode 10
Episode 11
