01 Aug LFn Awesome | Daniel Grant 10 years riding
LFn Awesome By Daniel Grant , Tao 10 years riding
LFn Awesome , Liquid force rider team promotion
When me and the Liquid Force team members such as Bob Soven, Nico Von Lerchenfeld, Raph Derome and I travelled through out America Asia OZ & Europe!! Credit, Aaron Grace & Keith Kipp
LFn Awesome (10 Years of TAO)
Check out Daniel Grant video on Unleashed !
On the words of Daniel Grant :
The past 10 years have been absolutely Surreal,like looking back to when i’d fly to over 30 contests a year i’d literally be non Stop. I’ve met some really amazing people from all over the world, it’s really been the best 10 years of my Life, i can’t thank everyone and the sport enough for the opportunity and support to express myself on the water .
It’s been a decade full of experiences , learning, laughing, crying, screaming, it’s been one hell of a ride
More info : Waketao.com