05 Jan OFF the DOC, By David O’Caoimh , the Video ….
David O’Caoimh: OFF THE DOC !
This is the story David O’Caoimh a professional wakeboarder from Ireland, land of Legends and Fishermen . He come to you with those 3 episodes of OFF the DOC the story of his long Wakeboard Journey all Around Europe, enjoy this trip !
EPISODE 1 , The Pitch !
Here’s the 1st episode (of 3) of my TV series ‘Off The DOC’ that aired on ‘Setanta Sports Ireland’ in December 2015.
The idea, was to bring Wakeboarding to the public eye here in Ireland. So that’s what we did and thankfully it seemed to go down a treat.
This series follows my life throughout the season and shows a kind of ‘behind the scenes’ look at the life of a pro wakeboarder
Really stoked on the series as a whole. Particularly episode 2 and 3 so stay tuned!
Thank you so so much to Apollo Entertainment Ireland for all the hard work in producing the show, and of course to Sean Gallagher for all the editing.
Also a massive shoutout to Monster Energy, Ballyhass Wake Park and Nissan Ireland for making this whole show possible.
I hope you enjoy and please leave a comment or a like to let me know your thoughts.
EPISODE 2, The Pitch !
Here’s episode 2 (of 3) of my TV series ‘Off The DOC’ that aired on ‘Setanta Sports Ireland’ in December 2015.
In this episode myself and a bunch of friends travel across Europe visiting different cables along the way on the most epic road trip.
EPISODE 3, The Pitch!
Here’s the last episode of my TV series ‘Off The DOC’ that aired on ‘Setanta Sports Ireland’ in December 2015.
In this episode we finish off our road trip across Europe. Go to Ballyhass lakes in Cork for a contest, and then finally prepare for the biggest contest in Ireland ever; the 1st ever European Pro Tour stop in Ireland.