Sebastian ‘Busty’ Dunn is simultaneously the Next big thing and the Kid Next Door. Either way you view him, his riding can not be misinterpreted nor underestimated. This 17 year old Cairns native is another Aussie making it good on the big stage. When we asked him why he rides he replied “I don’t have an answer to why I ride, other than that I ride because it’s what I love. I ride for myself, because I want to keep improving and learning.
I love the feeling of being out on the water. It’s such an awesome experience to be out on the water as the sun rises when the conditions are perfect and the water is glassy. I am just in my own world and nothing can take me out of that.” Busty Dunn’s formula – For himself, for the ride, for the love. Sounds about right. See more: optikacreative.com.au