06 Dec Ben Leclair Road to recovery update
Ben Leclair update 12/05/16
From the family of Ben Leclair – We find ourselves torn as we write these updates, in a hard place between staying positive and of course the unfortunate reality of Ben’s injury. We fear that our positivity and excitement over the simple things like Ben’s sense of humor or mental well being may lead people to believe that everything is just fine or that Ben is expected to make a full recovery. The reality is we really don’t know what the future will hold for Ben. As of now he is not able to control his hands or anything below his waist. All we know is that he is a fighter and ready to do everything it takes and more to get back to a normal life. His attitude has been extremely positive in the past week and he has come back to a stable mental condition which is a huge victory because often times the injury that Ben suffered in the accident can lead to brain damage.
In the last few days Ben’s family has been in contact with a representative of their Canadian health care program who has been persistent about the urgency for Ben to return back home to Montreal where he can be looked after more efficiently and with less burden of insurance complications / compiling medical bills. On Saturday morning the Doctor agreed that Ben was stable enough to make the flight, so he and the family boarded a private “air ambulance” in Orlando to make the journey back home to Montreal where Ben has been admitted to another Intensive Care Unit for his continued care. Ben is still breathing with the aid of a respirator which Doctors expect he should be free of within the next week. At that point they will be able to make a determination of the most appropriate rehabilitation process / location for Ben. We are hopeful that as the swelling continues to recede from around Ben’s spine (which is said to take up to 4 weeks) that we will have a clearer understanding of what level of movement and feeling will be possible for Ben to achieve through this long and challenging rehabilitation process. We look at Ben’s face and all the sure signs of progress and we are convinced that if there is a way back to his feet, Ben will find it no doubt, but he needs our help. Please continue to do what you can and help spread the word about the #BenSquad. We will be announcing new products and additional ways to help support Ben’s cause in the coming days…Stay tuned.
These pictures are to help show Ben’s family, friends, and fans the reality of his condition. They are in order and show the progression of his injury and the transportation process from Orlando to Montreal. If you would like to donate to Ben’s Road 2 Recovery please do so here. You can leave positive messages to Ben below and remember when posting on social sites please use the #BenSquad to show your support.