12 Apr Toronto Indoor Wakeboard Championship | Highlights 2019
The Canadian wake sports community came together as it does every January at the Toronto International Boat Show to check out the latest in wake boats, boards and more, except with an exciting new twist on the Show’s closing weekend: a pro indoor wake contest!
Championships Highlights
Here are the highlights of the event in this very famous setting !
Toronto championships highlights from Boarder Pass Canada on Youtube.
The final Results
1. Meagan Ethell, USA
2. Michela Phillips, CAN
3. Kaitlyn Adams, USA
4. Kelsey Chiappa, CAN
5. Dani Brown, CAN
1. John Dreiling, USA
2. Guenther Oka, USA
3. Riley Dillon, CAN
4. Mickey Henry, CAN
5. Derek Pontoon, USA
6. Oli Derome, CAN
7. Quinn Silvernale, USA
8. Cole Wojtek, USA
1. Wake Purdy, CAN
2. Joey Braden, CAN
3. Tristan Weber, USA
4. John McTavish, CAN
5. Gavin Fisk, CAN
6. Nick Prehn, CAN
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