UNTAMED | Blake Bishop on fire….


UNTAMED | Blake Bishop on fire….

UNTAMED :Blake Bishop & I teamed up with Ambush Board Co. to produce a unique video that showcased blake. with about a month to film we went hard. finding unique winch spots that no one has hit before and of course destroying his home park in between winch missions. this is heavy hitter from my buddy and team mate Blake Bishop

In Partnership with Ambush Board Co

More About Blake Bishop
Name: Blake Bishop
Birthdate: 2/29/1998
Hometown: Atlanta, GA
Sponsors: Ambush Boardco, Valdosta Wake Compound, Slingshot Wakeboards, LKI
Stance: Regular

Let’s get straight to the point: Who are you and what gets your blood flowing?
My name is Blake and wakeboarding and good music gets my blood flowing!

What’s your favorite Slingshot setup and why?
A 141 Windsor with RAD’s is such a fun shape to ride!

What made you realize you wanted to be a professional wakeboarder?
Wakeboarding is my passion and it would be great to one day make a job out of it.

Why Slingshot?
Because they’re the First in flex and made here in America. Plus the team is rad too.

From your perspective, what separates Slingshot from other wake brands?
They’re always down to try new shapes and experiment with sizes every year. They are in it more for the love of the sport and constantly pushing it with fresh new ideas.

Who’s your favorite team member to travel with?
James Windsor.

Do you have any sweet travel secrets?
Headphones, Candy, a few movies on hand, snapchat, and most definitely some sort of power source for the electronics. Sit next to Pierce on the plane then make him sleep on the floor.

What do you think the next big trend in wakeboarding is going to be?
Knee slides haha.

What are some of the challenges that come with the lifestyle you live?
Going to school all the time

Who inspires you?
Shriyan Gungiah – He’s my neighbor and he’s also doing cool stuff. He just started riding with us at the compound and he’s killing it. He’s always bringing the positive vibes and solid beats to whatever we do.

Who your favorite wakeboarder and why?
Graeme Burress he sends it.

If you could ride perfect conditions anywhere on earth, where would it be?
Sunset set or morning set at Valdosta Wake Compound

What do you wish you had more time to do?
I have plenty of time to do anything but I just like to wakeboard and skateboard haha.

Make a long story short and tell us about one of your absolute best wakeboarding travel experiences?
Fise. It was my first international wakeboard event and the whole family rolled with me. We cruised around the cool town, witnessed some crazy french rollerbladers and other chaos in the streets, and got to shred with a ton of sick new riders.

What’s your proudest moment in wake thus far?
Last years double flip buzzer beater at Terminus for the Wake Park Triple Crown Event. It was my first ever attempt at a double and I stuck it in front of the whole crowd and judges.

What goals do you have for the next few years?
Score a cover, work on my park and build some sick rails.

Have more fun, Be different, and enjoy Untamed…