Author: Théo

Felix Georgii has just unveiled a new film : The Debut. Produced by Unit , Felix shows his whole range of tricks, in particular this one foot full of style!...

The Malibu WWA Rider Experience Central joined forces with Texas’ infamous Wake the Desert event bringing together the top amateurs and professional riders to celebrate Wake the Desert’s 20th Anniversary. Recap  San...

Well today we're going to talk about the different wakeboarders' outfits. We will approach all the styles that have caught our attention. If you ever meet one of them, you'll...

What goes into making a Wakeboard, a Wakesurfer or a Binding ? It’s much more than you might you think. At Hyperlite Wakeboards a huge team effort is poured into...

C'est bon, les riders affluent de partout avec les vacances d'été et le beau temps qui va avec. Du coup, on a un max de vidéos à vous faire partager...

Nouvelle vidéo de la communauté : le Shred It crew est de retour pour démonter les parks de France durant l'été ! Welcome Summer est leur nouvelle vidéo...

"Kroeger Legends" is a fun wakeboard video made by Regional Films. It takes place in Orlando, Florida on Lake Jasemine and the riders are really stylish. Behind the boat they...