19 Jul Daniel Grant |Fire, Water and Pipes jib contest
Daniel Grant plans to come to KingWinch Wake Park at the end of the season, to give his obstacle design the test…
Commenting, “I’ve traveled all over the world over the past few years, but never been to Russia, it is definitely going to be something different. I just hope not too cold, as I am already used to the hot weather in Thailand !!”

King Winch Wake Park

DAniel Grant pro Obstacles
The visit of Daniel Grant is planned from the 11th till 18thof September. Organizers of the main Russia’s annual jib contest “Fire Water and Pipes” has already shifted it to the 17th of September, to make it possible for Daniel to participate. The contest will be held in the renewed be-level KingWinch wake park. The park is one and only stationary be-level park in Russia, that is completely artificial and built by Kingwinch Wake System (KWWS). The prize no less than 5000$ may be raised significantly during the sponsors joining and the contest is promised to be very exciting event. The highlight of the contest will be the “Cash for tricks” nomination when riders will ride freestyle ride with their own music track. The best one is determined by the riders voting and will take special money prize. (Last time it was Yannik Paton, Spain). More details will come soon with the official release of the contest.Stay tuned on Unleashed Wake Mag if you wanna get a change to be updated….
More informations :KWWS
Kingwinch park