15 Aug WOO WAKE | NEW Game NEW Rules…
WOO 2.0, new for wakeboarders , they can now create session reports, log tricks in their tricktionary, and share sessions with friends anywhere in the world ! A new Worldwide wakeboard Contest can start Now , Dare your wake friends all around the world with WOO WAKE ….
An Interactive Game For Wakeboaders
WOO Tricktionary
Get a high score on a specific trick variation, and try to complete your tricks-tionary. The sensor will detect regular vs. switch, heel-side vs. toe-side, and front-side vs. backside tricks!
Track Your Progression
Every jump from every session is recorded to help you track your riding over time. See your riding progress as you log new tricks, and boost your trick scores!
Challenge Friends
Challenge your friends around the world to keep the competitive vibes flowing every day of the week. Follow friends and track all their session to see how they’re keeping up!
Check the leader-boards to see where you stand: King of your local spot? National leader on a specific trick? Or best rider in your groups of friends? Where will you claim the top-spot!?
Ride, Upload, Share
When you’re back at the dock, sync up your WOO via Bluetooth with your phone and download your session report!
Use Hashtags (#)
What gear were you riding? What obstacles did you hit? What’s the name of your team? Simply add a hashtag to your session description to create a custom leaderboard!