13 Aug WKBND 2021 Event | TURIN WAKEPARK
WKBND – Wakeboard Event in Italia
WKBND 2021 Event
Dates: 10-11 September 2021
Where: Turin Wakepark + Livestream on YouTube
Type of Competition: Head to Head, Features-Only
Prize: 6k Total in Cash
Link: https://spark.adobe.com/page/U0KEhj0y3T06Z/
Confirmed Riders to Date (12/8/2021): Liam Peacock, Claudia Pagnini, Victor Salmon, Dominik Herlner, Riccardo De Tollis, Sam De Haan, Tobias Michel, Yanneck Konda, Florian Weihrer, Max Milde, Christopher Klein, Carlo Huesing.
WKBND (Wakebound) it’s OUTBND’s First-ever physical event. OUTBND’s Goal since the beginning was to create amazing experiences for its users: as a lifestyle+tech company, we believe running a physical competition is an amazing opportunity to create hybrid events and keep the community excited. What do we mean by Hybrid? Well WKBND is a Head to Head wakeboard competition, where athletes will compete to decide who’s the best athlete, BUT as they compete in the physical world they’ll have a digital contest through OUTBND’s challenge feature, where wakeboarders from all around the world will be the judges! We wanted WAKEBND to be “open” to everyone, which is why we have no age limit and we took out air tricks, which can sometimes be a barrier to entry. We wanted to create an event where people had to push behind the “boundaries” of their wakeboarding.
Having to create an event like WKBND means having one of a kind wake park with features that allow athletes to really push their limits: No park in Italy does that better than Turin Wakepark, with among other features, the biggest (stationary) Snowramp in the World and an amazing wallride transition, both custom-built! But it’s never just about the race: it’s about people and the environment! We wanted to have a place where we could fully express the spirit of OUTBND and Turin Wakepark was the perfect spot to have a killer competition and entertain the community, allowing riders and spectators to enjoy the event at its best!
OUTBND is the Social Network made by action sports lovers for action sports lovers. We allow Adrenaline Junkies to share their passion and compete with one another, while providing businesses a way to create a meaningful conversation with their clients. In a world governed by a “like model”, content becomes redundant and the need to go viral pushes people to literally follow trends or do crazy things. By using the platform, users will only see content within sports categories of their choosing, allowing them to spend less time looking for content and more time doing what they love. By creating the “challenge feature” we made it easier for people to share content around specific topics. This translates into more easily targeted interactions for businesses, who can use the same feature to run giveaways to sponsor their products or to embed the content of a challenge onto their website. Our motto is “Ride.Share.Repeat.” and that is because our integration with other platforms makes it easier to share, redirect or import from them, reducing the time an athlete needs to spend managing multiple profiles
The link to download our app is: https://outbndsn.page.link/uNdQ
WKBND @ TURIN WAKEPARK – 2021 Whole Event information and registration
Registrations will need to happen at the following link: https://forms.gle/ZJFDNvZ9k7QPqhB28
COMPETITION DATES :Friday 10 September– Saturday 11 September 2021
LOCATION :A.S.D. Turin Wake Park, Frazione Mezzi Po,
10036 Settimo Torinese (TO) COMPETITION FIELD
FULL SIZE: 5 towers CWS cablewake system 6 carrier (450m)
(length x width x height) in centimeters
- · 1 TRANSFER WALL RIDE composed of KICKER XL 500x200x130 and WALL RIDE 800x300x280
- · 1 UPPERBOX 1000x40x160
- · 2 KICKER L 450x200x130
- · 1 FUNBOX 1800x300x170
- · 1 PIPE TO PIPE COMPOSED OF 2 TUBES 1100x800x800
- · 1 BUMP 375x243x65
- · 1 “SNOWRAMP” 2100x600x280 + 1 KICKER XL 550x200x170
- · 1 TRANSITION BUTTER RAIL 1600x400x100
- · 1 STEPUP PIPE 1600x25x80
- The competition will be features only: Air tricks will not be judged.
- Judges will evaluate the run based on technique, flow and style*.
- The qualification rounds will take place on Friday 10 September through“heats”. Number of participants per heat will vary based on the number ofsubscribers.
- The winners of the qualifications will move on to the finals, which will take place on Saturday 11 September, through “head to head”.
*Technique= How Clean is the landing and execution.
*Flow = Whether the trick it’s part of an ongoing line or if it’s stand alone.
*Style = We’re not looking only for clean tricks, we want them to be stylish!
- · Male Category with 16 riders for the Final Day Saturday 11 September
- · Female Category with 8 riders for the Final Day Saturday 11 SeptemberRiders of all ages will be accepted. For athletes that have less than 18 Years of Age a signed disclaimer by legal guardian will be required.CASH PRIZEThe cash prizes will be the same for both Male and Female Categories
- · FIRST POSITION Cash price of 1500 euros
- · SECOND POSITION Cash price of 1000 euros
- · THIRD POSITION Cash price of 500 eurosAn extra 500 Euro Cash prize, as part of the Online Competition, through the OUTBND App.METHOD, TERMS AND REGISTRATION FEES
Registration open to all riders of Italian or foreign nationality with a maximum number of 24 female riders and 48 male riders.
Registrations will need to happen at the following link: https://forms.gle/ZJFDNvZ9k7QPqhB28
All participating athletes will get a riding jersey, Welcome pack and Media Coverage.
It’s possible to register for the competition until Monday 6 September.
EVENT SCHEDULE Friday 10 September
The riders Meeting will take place from 08:00 to 08:45. The competition will start at 09:00 and will end approximately at 19:00. The qualifications of the Female Category will take place first.
Saturday 11 September
The riders Meeting will take place from 10:00 to 10:45. The competition will start at 11:00 and will end approximately at 19:00. Award ceremonies and celebrations will take place approximately from 19:30 onwards.
Online (6-11 September)
The Online portion of the contest will be held online throughout the week preceding the event. Athletes will be expected to submit a post on OUTBND and ask their followers and Friends to vote. At 7PM of The Finals, the ranking will be shown and the winner will be announced..
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